MST-9000+ MST9000 汽车传感器信号


Automobile Sensor Signal Simulation Tool MST-9000
New update version:2012 MST-9000+




新版本更新:2012年MST-9000 +

    汽车电脑维修**工具 **升级!性能更稳定! 传感器信号模拟**黄金版历经多年研发,数次升级。现以成为国内技术**的信号发生器。该设备已成为许多车间和汽车培训学校的采购设备。

1 全车系曲轴信号模拟**:

2 全车系传感器信号模拟**:

3 全车系执行器驱动**:

1 使用者可根据发动机控制系统不同**设定不同类型的曲轴信号输出(适用于所有车型的电脑驱动)
2 自动变速器输入、输出轴信号模拟
3 设定波形数据直接写入
4 发动机转速信号输出
5 车速信号输出(霍尔信号、磁电信号)
6  三、四通道ABS轮速信号输出
7 电脑板工作电流测试
8 EGR电磁阀驱动
9 碳罐清除电磁阀驱动
10 转速表驱动
11 鼓风机控制模块驱动
12 怠速阀驱动
13 步进电机驱动(四、六线)
14 喷油器驱动
15 点火线圈驱动
16 点火模块驱动
17 倒车**(超声波)探头驱动
18 自动变速器换挡阀驱动
19 换挡品质阀驱动
20 油压调节阀驱动
21 水温、进气温度、室外温度、蒸发箱温度传感器信号模拟
22 氧传感器信号模拟(手动)
23 氧传感器信号模拟(自动信号)
24 节气门信号模拟
25 碳罐清除电磁阀模拟
26 EGR电磁阀模拟
27 空气流量计、进气压力传感器(模拟、数字)信号模拟
28 点火线圈模拟
29 喷油器模拟
30 怠速步进电机模拟(四线、六线)
31 AC继电器模拟
32 油泵继电器模拟
33 散热器风扇继电器模拟
34 音频信号输出、功放驱动
35 自动变速器换挡阀、换挡品质阀、油压调节阀模拟
36 喷油脉宽测量
37 **门锁伺服器模拟
38 防盗电阻模拟
39 用户功能扩展


1 执行器驱动:驱动电流3A、占空比1%~99%连续调节、频率连续调节;
2 传感器信号模拟:电阻100Ω~10000Ω 电压0V~5V×2 0V~1.5V 0V~12V
3 执行器模拟驱动: 69通道同时输出
4 步进电机驱动:电流1A,适用于所有车用四线、六线步进电机驱动;
5 电流表测试电流:**

传感器信号模拟**黄金版 1台
数据线 2条
电源线 1条
光盘 1张


Increase simulate knock sensor function, output port are KS1, KS2
Increase reserved port X1-X6 stand-by, the customer can set simulation signals as need



The Automobile Sensor Signal Simulation Tool is an very useful tool for professional technician during car ECU reparing & key pro**ming.

This Automobile Sensor Signal Simulation Tool is an indispensive car ECU repair tool, with newly update and more stable function. After many years R&D and times of upgrades, now our sensor siginal simulation expert has been the most fix purchasing equipment with advance technology for many workshop and automobile training s**ol.

Sensor Signal Simulation Tool detailed appli**ion range:
1. Automobile sensor dynamic diagnosis, engine, transmission, ABS, air-conditin, Immo etc. for ECU repairing, auto teaching aid model driver, auotmobiles R&D.
2. This Sensor Signal Simulation Tool fit multi-brands cars made in Asia, Europe, **.

Major Function:

1. Users can set the engine co**ol system, independent of different types of ** signal output (for all models of **puter-driven)
2. Automatic transmission input and output shaft signal simulation
3. Set the w**eform data is written directly
4. Engine speed signal output
5. Speed signal output (Hall signal, magnetic signal)
6. Three, four-** ABS wheel speed signal output
7. PC board wo**ng current test
8. EGR solenoid va**e drive
9. Carbon can clear the solenoid va**e drive
10. Ta**meter drive
11. Blower Co**ol Module Driver
12. Idle va**e driver
13. Stepper motor drive (4, 6 lines)
14. Injector Driver
15. Ignition coil driver
16. Ignition module drive
17. Pa**ng sensor (ultrasound) probe drive
18. Automatic Shift Va**e Drive
19. Shift quality va**e drive
20. hydraulic va**e drive
21. Water temperature, intake air temperature, outdoor temperature, evaporation temperature sensor signal simulation box
22. Oxygen sensor signal simulation (manual)
23. Oxygen sensor signal simulation (auto signal)
24. Throttle signal simulation
25. Carbon can clear the solenoid va**e simulation
26. EGR solenoid va**e simulation
27. Air flow sensor, intake air pressure sensor (analog, digital) signal simulation
28. Ignition coil simulation
29. Injector simulation
30. Idle stepper motor simulation (four-lane, six-lane)
31. A C relay simulation
32. Pump relay simulation
33. Radiator fan relay simulation
34. Audio signal outputs, power amplifier driver
35. Automatic Shift Va**e, shift quality va**es, hydraulic co**ol va**e simulation
36. Fuel ** pulse width measurement
37. Ce**al lock server simulation
38. Burglar resistance simulation
39. User Extension

Special Feature:

1. All cars ** signal simulation experts
It can be set arbitrary w**eform output, can produce all the models of today's engine **shaft, camshaft signals (Hall, magnetic, optical signals), w**eform data, w**eform memory card from the long-term preservation, w**eform data for free online updates.
2. All cars sensor signal simulation experts
Speed signal, speed signal (Hall, magnetic, optical signals), ABS wheel speed signal, the oxygen sensor signal, throttle signal, air flow, inlet pressure sensor (analog, digital) and other signal simulation
3. All cars Actuator experts
Ta**meter, odometer, blower co**ol module, injector, ignition coil, ignition module, frequency and pulse width co**ol solenoid va**e, stepper motor drive (four-lane, six-lane), car audio amplifiers, etc. etc all cars actuator simulation experts:
Actuators simulation for Ignition coil, injectors, idle speed stepper motor, ultrasonic generators etc.
Strong domestic first-line five-** editing functions ** signal
Five arbitrary w**e signal analog output

Output signal: magnetic signals, Hall signals, optical signals
1. Actuator
Drive current 3A, 1% ~ 99% duty cycle continuously adjustable frequency continuous adjustment;
2. Sensor Signal Simulation: resistance 100Ω ~ 10000Ω voltage of 0V ~ 5V × 2 0V ~ 1.5V 0V ~ 12V
3. The implementation of simulated driving: 69-** simultaneous output
4. Stepper motor drive: current 1A, applicable to all vehicles with four, six, stepping motor driver;
5. Ammeter ma**mum test current: **

Packing List:

1. sensor signal simulation expert Gold Edition 1 set
2. data line 2
3. power line 1
4. CD 1
5. USB cable 1


联 系 人:危生 先生
工作 QQ :2529183421
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地 址:中国 广东 深圳 深圳
HIOS CL-9000电动螺丝刀-深圳尤特电子