


供应广州怡峰建材有限公司:钢质防火门的结构特点:钢质防火门是由门框、门扇通过合页连接形成的,门上应配置闭门器、防火锁,双扇门还应加装暗插销(装在固定扇一侧)和顺位器,以防门扇中缝的搭叠。如门有上亮,门扇需加装玻璃,应加装具有与门同等防火**的防火玻璃。由于钢板幅面尺寸的约束,单扇门板在门面无接缝的情况下,门宽可制作尺寸为≤1200mm。甲乙丙级防火门内部填充隔热系数不同的不燃材料加工而成,甲乙丙级门厚度均小于45mm。门框结构有单双止口的两种断面。异型大断面主要是为框包墙结构设计的。具有高隔音、气密性要求的防火门多采用四面框(下槛带止口并加设密封槽,槽内加装**丁橡胶条。我厂提供的防火门是可通过消防验收,可提供一切证明。 类型:防火门 开启方式:推拉 材料:铁板 材质:钢质喷涂 安全等级:A/B级 门框尺寸:可根据客户要求订做 1.尺寸规格可根据客户要求订做。 2.材料可根据客户实用情况选取。 Steel fire resistant door Structure characteristics:with the door frame, door leaf connected by a hinge formed,Shall be equipped with door closer and fireproof lock, Frame The frames are made of quality cold-rolled steel sheet or ga**anized steel sheet with thickness of 1.2mm or 1.5mm**side the frame flanges are enchased fire protection strips which h**e the function of smoke insulation. The horizontal and vertical frames can be joi** with a right angle or 45°angle. Door Leaf The door le**es are made of quality cold-rolled steel sheet or ga**anized steel sheet with thickness of 0.8mm or 1.0mm. There are no welding points on the door leaf surface by advanced technology. Environment-friendly fire proof materials and adhesive with high fire rating used inside. Finishes Static powder coating (RAL color) and PVC laminated steel. Hardware Manifold solutions which meet European and American hardware standards, various for options for different demand.

联 系 人:马萍萍 女士
工作 QQ :1605506804
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网 址:http://gzyifengjc.cn
地 址:中国 广东 广州 白云区广州白云区黄石西路268号