进口德国奶酪干酪GAZI cheese











Tu**sh Kas****al Cheese:

Beside Tu**sh style white cheese, Kas****al is also a very famous cheese in Turkey. It is also made of fresh cheese. Kas****al contains 11-12 liters milk per kg, even more than white cheese.

This kind of cheese tastes very silky, so it is perfect together with bread. Kas****al could be also used on pizza,like mozzarella. But it is very sumptuous, because kas****al needs more milk, so the pr**s is more expensive than mozzarella. However its worth it! The pizza with kas****al is much more delicious! And h**e you ever tried cheese with red wine? Kas****al is ideal! You should never miss it!

Tu**sh Style White Cheese:

There are many kinds of cheese in the market. H**e you ever tried Tu**sh style white cheese? Tu**sh style white cheese is in brine, so that it could keep the cheese fresh very well. The cheese is totally made of fresh milk. 10 liters milk could just made 1 kg cheese. After ferment the nutrition in milk could be absorbed more easily. Cheese is very rich in protein, calcium and phosphorus, so it is very healthy for children and the elderly if they eat cheese more. The shelf life of the Tu**sh style white cheese is just 8 months, even if it is kept in brine, because the cheese is made of totally fresh milk!

How to eat the cheese:It could be eaten together with bread, put into salad or made Borek, which is like a kind of cheese-spinach pie. Crushed cheese with spinach as the filling. Put the pie into oven. With 170 temperature 15 minutes the pie will be ready. It is a very popular food in the Mediterranean area!


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